Join the editors of Saraba for a celebration of our new issue, “Transitions”. The featured writers and visual artists explore the theme of transitions through questions of time, movement, and exchange, among others.

Featuring readings by contributors—Suzanne Ushie, Yinka Elujoba, Ifeoluwa Nihinola, Amarachi Ekekwe, Kechi Nomu, Ayeni Olajide—and a discussion of the work and future of the magazine with editors Emmanuel Iduma and Dami Ajayi.

Saturday 23rd December, 3-5pm, 16 by 16—Flat 16, 16 Kofo Abayomi St., Victoria Island, Lagos.


Speaker bios:

Yinka Elujoba is a writer and art critic living in Lagos. He’s director of publications at Invisible Borders.

Kechi Nomu [b. 1987] writes from Lagos, Nigeria. She co-curates and edits a Poets Talk Series for African poets. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The Bangalore Review, The Christopher Okigbo Anthology: A Going and Coming That Goes on Forever, Saraba Magazine, Visual Verse and elsewhere. She is the author of the poetry chapbook, A Memorial for my Body in Apocalypse published by KSRCollective. Her second poetry chapbook, Acts of Crucifixion will be published as part of New-Generation African Poets (Akashic Books, 2018) edited by Kwame Dawes and Chris Abani. She is the editor of the African poetry press, Konya Shamsrumi.

Suzanne Ushie’s work has appeared in Conte Online, Brittle Paper, Lunch Ticket, Gambit: Newer African Writing and elsewhere. She has an MA in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia where she received the African Bursary for Creative Writing. She has been in residence at Ledig House and Hedgebrook. She lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

Ọlájídé Ayẹni is an architecture and documentary photographer with interests in cultural psychology and indigenous languages. A graduate of architecture, he seeks to highlight the oft unnoticed in the urbanist landscape of Nigeria. He is currently working on the subject of urban decay and its relation to time. Ayeni resides in Ikorodu, Lagos.

Amarachi Ekekwe is a Software Engineer by day and an aspiring author by night. She loves to read and enjoys writing just as much. She has written several short stories and flash fiction, some of which are featured on her personal website and other online platforms.

Ifeoluwa Nihinola is a writer and editor resident in Lagos.


We gratefully acknowledge the support of 16 by 16. At the event you can purchase food and drink at the bar.